Signs That Your Business Needs a New Generator
Your business provides a critical service to customers while keeping food on the table of your employees. It’s essential to keep that business up and running, even if the electricity is out. As all things age and wear out over time, your generator is no exception. It’s important to be aware of some of the signs that your generator is failing – before it becomes an issue:
Start-Up Problems – when your commercial generator starts up, the process should be smooth and seamless. Electric generators in particular are common as commercial generators as they can switch on immediately on the building losing power, ensuring there is little to no delay in powering machinery.
Over time, however, the transfer switch can wear out, which is something to be wary of during routine maintenance to prevent it from becoming a bigger problem. If your transfer switch wears out completely, you won’t notice faltering power; the generator just won’t turn on.
Excessive Fuel Usage – Your generator should run efficiently, using only enough fuel to keep your electricity running. If you notice over time that the fuel usage is increasing, but your power demand hasn’t increased, it’s time to consider replacing the generator or consulting your local repair technician.
As the generator wears out over time, the increased fuel usage will continue to get worse, eating a hole in your wallet as you continue to pay for more and more fuel. In addition to the rising cost of fuel, it’s critical to keep this under control by replacing the unit when the fuel usage costs over the year approach the expense of purchasing a new generator.
Appliances Faltering – As your generator runs out gradually, you may notice electrical appliances inside the building falter. This is a sign of a break in the flow of electricity. However brief that break may be, you need your appliances to continue running. Furthermore, these breaks in electrical currents can damage some appliances, causing lasting effects to the operation of your business. Even if it happens once or twice, it’s a problem that requires immediate attention.